How to bet on sports and not lose

Every day, newcomers come to bookmakers in order to earn quick and easy money. But few of them manage to make decent money on bets. And they rack their brains: why are they not succeeding? The thing is that most people bet on sports from bookmakers, not knowing anything about the pitfalls that lie in wait for them. Only a few become professionals and this is due to the ability to choose a strategy, correctly distribute the bank and cold calculation, which is not affected by emotions.

Choosing a bookmaker

A beginner needs to start by choosing a bookmaker. You should not carry your money to the first bookmaker that comes across, even if it is located near the house. In 2021, there are a great many of them and there is plenty to choose from. Most of them offer their services online. When choosing a future partner, you should pay attention to its reliability, because. it is the office that pays the winnings. A lot depends on the bookmaker, and therefore the right choice will ensure a successful betting game.

First bet

And so, the choice of the bookmaker is made. The next mistake that almost all beginners make is to immediately replenish the balance and place bets. Don’t be in a hurry to part with your money. First, try your hand, so as not to lose money. To do this, analyze all the events, odds and amounts offered on the site by the bookmaker and on which you are ready to bet. Make a fake bet, as if only for yourself and write everything down on a piece of paper. Do this for 1-2 months. At the end of the time, analyze what you got. If you have achieved positive results, then you can safely start alberta sports betting for real. Thus, you will not only save money and nerves, but you will also be able to develop your strategy and test your analytical skills.

Determine the amount you are willing to part with

When making real bets, you need to mentally prepare yourself for the fact that money can burn out. Determine how much you can afford to lose each month. This must be done, because it is impossible to accurately predict the result of any event and there is always a risk of remaining in the red. Never bet on the last money you have, hoping to win and get 2-3 times more. The more often you lose, the more you want to win back your money. This can drag on indefinitely, and the debt will only grow. Do not go on about your desire to recoup. In this situation, the best solution would be to wait until next month and start over.

Nothing has changed in 2021 and therefore you should not count on luck alone when dealing with bets. She is extremely capricious and changeable. At bets, it is simply unrealistic to succeed on luck alone. Therefore, the all in bet is a fatal mistake and must be avoided. Usually, people who make such a bet are overwhelmed by emotions and do not think about the consequences.

Work out your strategy

Strategy is the key to betting success. If you play without any logic, then good earnings cannot be achieved. Unsystematic bets usually go into the pocket of the bookmaker. Therefore, stop at one strategy and stick to it for a long time. When choosing it, keep in mind that some of them begin to generate income only after a long period of time, and bets should be made as often as possible. In no case do not need to change strategies often. This can only go to the detriment and the bank will be quickly devastated with this approach.

In 2021, from the whole variety of sports games, it is better to choose several sports and bet only on them. It will be great if you are well versed in the chosen sport. This will help to better calculate all the risks and draw the right conclusions.

Is it possible to outwit the bookmaker and win?

Analyze the event

Any outcome of a sporting event can be predicted. For those who do not understand games and do not analyze events, it will seem a mystery why the “dark” horse won, which was not even among the favorites of the game. Although such an ending will be natural, for those who did the analysis on time. Before placing a bet, you need to carefully study the statistics of the wins of the outsider and the favorite, look at their previous matches, which strong players have left the team and will not take part, the placement of players, etc. This will determine which of them will reach the final and win. In order to correctly calculate all this, you need to understand the sport you are going to play. Only then can correct conclusions be drawn on the intended outcome of the event.

It is not necessary to immediately rush and look at all the matches of the teams over the past few years. It is enough to decide on a few teams and start tracking their path. After a few matches, you will already be able to predict its possible finale. This tactic is universal and there is nothing complicated about it. Its plus is that it is suitable for any sport (football, volleyball, hockey, etc.).

Bet Sure

The most common misconception is that to get a win, you need to guess who will win. The bookmaker always offers more than 3 lines. If after analyzing the situation you are not sure who will win, then you can bet on the number of scored swords, yellow cards, the removal of a player, etc. Even if your favorite loses, but scores a goal, you will get a win.

This strategy is suitable for both beginners and professionals. Here you only need to be able to track events and analyze them correctly.

Don’t Forget Express

If you increase the number of events in one bet, then the amount of winnings will increase. This method works, the bookmaker is convinced that in this case the chance of winning two events at once is unlikely, therefore, it increases the odds. But this should be done if you are sure that the ending of the game will be just that. In this case, the risk of failure remains almost the same, and the overall coefficient increases.

Pay attention to the little things

Keep track of all the events that happen to your team or player. Even such seemingly insignificant details as problems in his personal life, a change of coach, the weather during a match, salary delays can affect the result of the game. Although these events have nothing to do with the upcoming game, they should not be forgotten.

Place bets leaving emotions

There is no place for strong emotions in betting. It should be obvious, but for some reason more than half of the players forget about it and make mistakes in a fit of emotions. To prevent this from happening to you, you need to draw up an action plan for yourself in case you are captured by emotions and follow it.